Kategorie: English Articles
By Khola Maryam Hübsch
In English Articles
The European Court of Justice has declared France’s ban on the face-veil to be legal, because apparently it endangers societal harmony. On the contrary: it is the ban itself which endangers it. What can this ban be, other than emblematic politics? Created in an anti-Islamic environment in France, this law had the function of clientele politics. […]
By Khola Maryam Hübsch
In English Articles
In her new book, Alice Schwarzer is the first to finger a definite culprit in the New Year’s Eve incidents in Cologne: „sharia Islam“. In her reasoning she adopts the same interpretation of the Koran favoured by Muslim extremists, while providing fodder for Islamophobic right-wing populists.
By Khola Maryam Hübsch
In English Articles
The sudden rise of the Pegida movement in Germany has shown that many people here obviously have a deep-seated fear of Islam.
By Khola Maryam Hübsch
In English Articles
Our outrage over the sexist Muslim male reveals a need to feel superior. It expresses a brand of cultural chauvinism that co-opts feminism as a means of diverting attention from its own sexist and racist shortcomings.
By Khola Maryam Hübsch
In English Articles
It cannot be, that women who wear headscarves are forced to choose between their faith and their profession. On 1st Baden-Wuerttemberg became the first German state to pass the law that banned the wearing of a headscarf for public school teachers.
By Khola Maryam Hübsch
In English Articles
– why the concept of Hijab is more modern today, than it ever was It is largely believed that the wearing of a headscarf is obsolete today and its mention in the Quran were bound to its historic context. I disagree, and maintain that the principle of the headscarf may actually be even more vital […]
By Khola Maryam Hübsch
In English Articles
The borderline is no longer drawn between believers and non-believers, but between rational humanists and totalitarian radicals. “Freedom of Opinion does not include the dissemination of messages of hate” Frankfurt: Burning flags, an angry mob provoking and chanting paroles in front of American institutes and repeatedly insulted Muslims – these pictures automatically set forth the […]