
Curious bedfellows

In her new book, Alice Schwarzer is the first to finger a definite culprit in the New Year’s Eve incidents in Cologne: „sharia Islam“. In her reasoning she adopts the same interpretation of the Koran favoured by Muslim extremists, while providing fodder for Islamophobic right-wing populists.


Against the mainstream

– why the concept of Hijab is more modern today, than it ever was It is largely believed that the wearing of a headscarf is obsolete today and its mention in the Quran were bound to its historic context. I disagree, and maintain that the principle of the headscarf may actually be even more vital […]


Mercy for all peoples

The borderline is no longer drawn between believers and non-believers, but between rational humanists and totalitarian radicals. “Freedom of Opinion does not include the dissemination of messages of hate” Frankfurt: Burning flags, an angry mob provoking and chanting paroles in front of American institutes and repeatedly insulted Muslims – these pictures automatically set forth the […]